AFC Platform

This is graphics card section where you can find all kind of cards provided by the community

Afc platform's graphics card

Find all CARDs in one place

Instantly generate and post official statements like Done Deal, Unofficial Rumours, or Contract Renewal Cards using our platform.

Unlock detailed player performance with our dynamic Player Statistics Card – your go-to for all key stats in one view!

Compare players side by side with our Player Compare Card—analyse stats and performance with ease!

Celebrate standout performances with the Man of the Match Card – highlighting the top player of the game in style!

View match outcomes at a glance with the Match Results Card – showcasing Wins, Draws, Losses, and Goals in an intuitive format!

Points Table Card

Track standings and performance with our Tournament Points Table – your comprehensive guide to team rankings and points.

Matchday two team players performance as a scorecard.